A bit of my view...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stillaguamish Flooding

Wow, what a day. We were completely cut off from everywhere for quite a while so we went out and took videos and pictures of the flooding from our side. Then last night, I came within inches of hitting a deer, or a forest rat as Uncle D calls them, as I was taking my daughter to basketball practice. It jumped up from a ditch, over a snow burm, and onto the highway right in front of my car.

I can't believe how much it has rained over the last 3 days, and we still have over a foot of snow! I uploaded one of our videos of the flooding to YouTube (Anmlucas), but will upload the others later. It just takes too long from our house. Do NOT make fun of my spanish video if you choose to watch the river video. Soy una principiante. Don't judge.

Anyway, here are some flood pictures:

This is the traffic light that is usually a half a mile from where the river goes under the highway.

Here is a closer look at the river going over the highway - those are NOT our kids. Darrington may have been cut off from everywhere else, but the kids still went to school with a 2 hour delay.

This is a side road near Trafton - some people we knew arrived as we were leaving and had a boat meeting them to get back to their house.

The old railroad bridge between Trafton and Oso was taking a beating by the Stilly. The river was all the way up to the top of both bridges' pilons.

And finally, the favorite fishing spot - the river about 2 miles from our house was moving faster and fuller than I have ever seen it!
Some good news - I saw pink in the sky this morning and the peaks of Whitehorse Mountain and Mt. Higgins trying to part the clouds. That means sunshine today! YAY!


srcsmgrl said...

I hope you get that sunshine. It is due.

Allucas said...

We still haven't seen it! The sun will come out - Tomorrow. I hope.