A bit of my view...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hybrid Perks - Fords Rock

I got the dirtiest look from a Prius owner yesterday when I pulled up next to her in the school parking lot. One of the awesome perks of having a Hybrid is that there are 10 parking spots reserved just for Hybrids now so I don't have to huff it up the hill anymore. As I got out of my car, she rolled down her window and said, "You know, these spots are only for Hybrids."

Since I'm such a smart-ass at heart, I replied, "You know, to graduate from college, you have to know how to read." Then I pointed down to my car door where it says Hybrid. In fact, it's on both doors and the tailgate. Then I looked around and realized the Escape looked huge - it was surrounded by Priuses and Hybric Civics.

I'm still totally loving this car, even though I once swore I would never drive a Ford. It's been a great commuter for the last 2 years, and the year we bought it, we got an awesome tax deduction, in fact it was equal to the child tax credit. That was under the Bush administration, and now, the Obama administration is giving an even bigger tax cut to Hybrid buyers.

If you're thinking about buying one in the future, I really recommend the Ford line of Hybrids. The Escape Hybrid is the most reliable car I've ever owned, and I really like the new Focus Hybrid. Not only are you helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, but you are supporting and American company and American workers when you buy a Ford Hybrid.

What's my favorite perk you ask? Well that would be coffee. Haha.

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