A bit of my view...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dear Jesus – gimme a pipeline

Surprise, surprise, I have another problem with Governor Palin. There are many video clips from her Assembly of God church that will be coming out soon, but a few things struck me as just plain wrong, even as a non-religious person. First of all, as mayor of Wasilla, AK, she tried to fire the town librarian after the librarian refused to pull books out of the library. She finally withdrew her recommendation of termination when she realized that half the town was backing the librarian and their First Amendment rights.

Second problem: she attended a Jews for Jesus conference in which the featured speaker said that the destruction of Israel by the Lebanese was "judgment" by God himself because the Jews refuse to accept Jesus as their Messiah. I thought Jesus said, "Do not judge unless you judge yourself." Isn't that God's job?

And third, Sarah Palin called for her church congregation to pray for a gas pipeline in Alaska. What?! Screw world famine, poverty and peace, Jesus – give us a pipeline! Hmmm… I really thought Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Her church is also hosting a joint conference with James Dobson's Focus on the Family to promote the conversion of gays. Doesn't sound like she has the interest of all of the public in mind, but the 17% of the selfish, yes selfish population instead - Evangelicals who have big mouths and fat pockets, and think they have the right to impose their views on the other 80% of the population.

But to get past the religious problems, she outright said she has always been anti-earmark (aka special interest). Here are the facts – this year alone Governor Palin requested $197 million in earmarks (the highest earmarks per capita than any other state!), while Obama requested zero. McCain and Palin's campaign is fueled by lobbyists; they are even in charge of the campaign. Obama has not taken one penny from lobbyists, and yet he has raised mountains of money from citizens like you and I. Before you buy into the Pitbull's rhetoric, check the facts of her record.

On the Obama front, I'm still "Fired up and ready to go," but my question is where are we going and when are we leaving? You're being "swift boated" buddy, and saying things like, "McCain's a great guy, and Palin's a outstanding woman," is not going to get you votes. It's déjà vu all over again, and you're about to go to the wayside. In the words of Bob Marley, "Get up, Stand up. Don't give up the fight."



srcsmgrl said...

Yay for librarians!

I knew there had to be more skeletons in her closet. The only problem is that republicans won't likely find these issues to be issues. Seems like Obama already has the democratic vote on most fronts, but maybe I am naive.

Allucas said...

It's sad to me. I really thought we were over banning books in public libraries...it's really Nazi-esc (if that's a word). I wonder if her toilet paper is printed with the Bill of Rights.